- Release:
- Date:
Jan 15, 2025
- Getting Started
- Tutorial
- User’s Guide
- Reference: bumps
- bounds - Parameter constraints
- bspline - B-Spline interpolation library
- cheby - Freeform - Chebyshev
- cli - Command line interface
- curve - Model a fit function
- data - Data handling utilities
- errplot - Plot sample profile uncertainty
- fitproblem - Interface between models and fitters
- fitservice - Remote job plugin for fit jobs
- fitters - Wrappers for various optimization algorithms
- formatnum - Format numbers and uncertainties
- history - Optimizer evaluation trace
- initpop - Population initialization strategies
- lsqerror - Least squares eorror analysis
- mapper - Parallel processing implementations
- monitor - Monitor fit progress
- mono - Freeform - Monotonic Spline
- names - External interface
- options - Command line options processor
- parameter - Optimization parameter definition
- partemp - Parallel tempering optimizer
- pdfwrapper - Model a probability density function
- plotutil - Plotting utilities
- plugin - Domain branding
- pmath - Parametric versions of standard functions
- pymcfit - Wrapper for pyMC models
- quasinewton - BFGS quasi-newton optimizer
- random_lines - Random lines and particle swarm optimizers
- simplex - Nelder-Mead simplex optimizer (amoeba)
- util - Miscellaneous functions
- wsolve - Weighted linear and polynomial solver with uncertainty
- Reference: bumps.dream
- acr - A C Rencher normal outlier test
- bounds - Bounds handling
- convergence - Convergence tests
- core - DREAM core
- corrplot - Correlation plots
- crossover - Adaptive crossover support
- diffev - Differential evolution MCMC stepper
- entropy - Entropy calculation
- exppow - Exponential power density parameter calculator
- formatnum - Format values and uncertainties nicely for printing
- gelman - R-statistic convergence test
- geweke - Geweke convergence test
- initpop - Population initialization routines
- ksmirnov - Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for MCMC convergence
- mahal - Mahalanobis distance calculator
- metropolis - MCMC step acceptance test
- model - MCMC model types
- outliers - Chain outlier tests
- parcoord - Parallel coordinates plot
- state - Sampling history for MCMC
- stats - Statistics helper functions
- tile - Split a rectangle into n panes
- util - Miscellaneous utilities
- varplot - Plot histograms for indiviual parameters
- views - MCMC plotting methods