exppow - Exponential power density parameter calculator

exppow_pars Return w(B) and c(B) for the exponential power density:

Exponential power density parameter calculator.


Return w(B) and c(B) for the exponential power density:

\[p(v|S,B) = \frac{w(B)}{S} \exp\left(-c(B) |v/S|^{2/(1+B)}\right)\]

B in (-1,1] is a measure of kurtosis:

B = 1: double exponential
B = 0: normal
B -> -1: uniform

[1] Thiemann, M., M. Trosser, H. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian (2001). Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models, Water Resour. Res. 37(10) 2521-2535.