Source code for bumps.dream.metropolis

MCMC step acceptance test.
from __future__ import with_statement

__all__ = ["metropolis", "metropolis_dr"]

from numpy import exp, sqrt, minimum, where, cov, eye, array, dot, errstate
from numpy.linalg import norm, cholesky, inv
from . import util

import os
BUMPS_TEMPERATURE = float(os.environ.get('BUMPS_TEMPERATURE', '1'))

def paccept(logp_old, logp_try):
    Returns the probability of taking a metropolis step given two
    log density values.
    return exp(minimum(logp_try-logp_old, 0)/BUMPS_TEMPERATURE)

[docs]def metropolis(xtry, logp_try, xold, logp_old, step_alpha): """ Metropolis rule for acceptance or rejection Generates the next generation, *newgen* from:: x_new[k] = x[k] if U > alpha = x_old[k] if U <= alpha where alpha is p/p_old and accept is U > alpha. Returns x_new, logp_new, alpha, accept """ with errstate(under='ignore'): alpha = paccept(logp_try=logp_try, logp_old=logp_old) alpha *= step_alpha accept = alpha > util.rng.rand(*alpha.shape) logp_new = where(accept, logp_try, logp_old) ## The following only works for vectors: # xnew = where(accept, xtry, xold) xnew = xtry+0 for i, a in enumerate(accept): if not a: xnew[i] = xold[i] return xnew, logp_new, alpha, accept
def dr_step(x, scale): """ Delayed rejection step. """ # Compute the Cholesky Decomposition of X nchains, npars = x.shape r = (2.38/sqrt(npars)) * cholesky(cov(x.T) + 1e-5*eye(npars)) # Now do a delayed rejection step for each chain delta_x = dot(util.rng.randn(*x.shape), r)/scale # Generate ergodicity term eps = 1e-6 * util.rng.randn(*x.shape) # Update x_old with delta_x and eps; return x + delta_x + eps, r
[docs]def metropolis_dr(xtry, logp_try, x, logp, xold, logp_old, alpha12, R): """ Delayed rejection metropolis """ # Compute alpha32 (note we turned x and xtry around!) alpha32 = paccept(logp_try=logp, logp_old=logp_try) # Calculate alpha for each chain l2 = paccept(logp_try=logp_try, logp_old=logp_old) iR = inv(R) q1 = array([exp(-0.5*(norm(dot(x2-x1, iR))**2 - norm(dot(x1-x0, iR))**2)) for x0, x1, x2 in zip(xold, x, xtry)]) alpha13 = l2*q1*(1-alpha32)/(1-alpha12) accept = alpha13 > util.rng.rand(*alpha13.shape) logp_new = where(accept, logp_try, logp) ## The following only works for vectors: # xnew = where(accept, xtry, x) xnew = xtry+0 for i, a in enumerate(accept): if not a: xnew[i] = x[i] return xnew, logp_new, alpha13, accept