Source code for bumps.dream.views

MCMC plotting methods.
from __future__ import division, print_function

__all__ = ['plot_all', 'plot_corr', 'plot_corrmatrix',
           'plot_trace', 'plot_vars', 'plot_var',
           'plot_R', 'plot_logp', 'format_vars']

import math

import numpy as np
from numpy import arange, squeeze, linspace, meshgrid, vstack, inf
from scipy.stats import kde

from . import corrplot
from .formatnum import format_value
from .stats import var_stats, format_vars

[docs]def plot_all(state, portion=1.0, figfile=None): from pylab import figure, savefig, suptitle, rcParams figext = '.'+rcParams.get('savefig.format', 'png') draw = state.draw(portion=portion) all_vstats = var_stats(draw) figure() plot_vars(draw, all_vstats) if state.title: suptitle(state.title) print(format_vars(all_vstats)) if figfile is not None: savefig(figfile+"-vars"+figext) figure() plot_trace(state, portion=portion) if state.title: suptitle(state.title) if figfile is not None: savefig(figfile+"-trace"+figext) # Suppress R stat for now #figure() #plot_R(state, portion=portion) #if state.title: # suptitle(state.title) #if figfile is not None: # savefig(figfile+"-R"+format) figure() plot_logp(state, portion=portion) if state.title: suptitle(state.title) if figfile is not None: savefig(figfile+"-logp"+figext) if draw.num_vars <= 25: figure() plot_corrmatrix(draw) if state.title: suptitle(state.title) if figfile is not None: savefig(figfile+"-corr"+figext)
[docs]def plot_vars(draw, all_vstats, **kw): from pylab import subplot, clf clf() nw, nh = tile_axes(len(all_vstats)) cbar = _make_fig_colorbar(draw.logp) for k, vstats in enumerate(all_vstats): subplot(nw, nh, k+1) plot_var(draw, vstats, k, cbar, **kw)
def tile_axes(n, size=None): """ Creates a tile for the axes which covers as much area of the graph as possible while keeping the plot shape near the golden ratio. """ from pylab import gcf if size is None: size = gcf().get_size_inches() figwidth, figheight = size # Golden ratio phi is the preferred dimension # phi = sqrt(5)/2 # # nw, nh is the number of tiles across and down respectively # w, h are the sizes of the tiles # # w,h = figwidth/nw, figheight/nh # # To achieve the golden ratio, set w/h to phi: # w/h = phi => figwidth/figheight*nh/nw = phi # => nh/nw = phi * figheight/figwidth # Must have enough tiles: # nh*nw > n => nw > n/nh # => nh**2 > n * phi * figheight/figwidth # => nh = floor(sqrt(n*phi*figheight/figwidth)) # => nw = ceil(n/nh) phi = math.sqrt(5)/2 nh = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(n*phi*figheight/figwidth))) if nh < 1: nh = 1 nw = int(math.ceil(n/nh)) return nw, nh
[docs]def plot_var(draw, vstats, var, cbar, nbins=30): values = draw.points[:, var].flatten() _make_logp_histogram(values, draw.logp, nbins, vstats.p95, draw.weights, cbar) _decorate_histogram(vstats)
def _decorate_histogram(vstats): import pylab from matplotlib.transforms import blended_transform_factory as blend # Shade things inside 1-sigma pylab.axvspan(vstats.p68[0], vstats.p68[1], color='gold', alpha=0.5, zorder=-1) # build transform with x=data, y=axes(0,1) ax = pylab.gca() transform = blend(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) l95, h95 = vstats.p95 l68, h68 = vstats.p68 def marker(symbol, position): if position < l95: symbol, position, ha = '<'+symbol, l95, 'left' elif position > h95: symbol, position, ha = '>'+symbol, h95, 'right' else: symbol, position, ha = symbol, position, 'center' pylab.text(position, 0.95, symbol, va='top', ha=ha, transform=transform, zorder=3, color='g') #pylab.axvline(v) marker('|', vstats.median) marker('E', vstats.mean) marker('*', pylab.text(0.01, 0.95, vstats.label, zorder=2, backgroundcolor=(1, 1, 0, 0.2), verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', transform=pylab.gca().transAxes) pylab.setp([pylab.gca().get_yticklabels()], visible=False) ticks = (l95, l68, vstats.median, h68, h95) labels = [format_value(v, h95-l95) for v in ticks] if len(labels[2]) > 5: # Drop 68% values if too many digits ticks, labels = ticks[0::2], labels[0::2] pylab.xticks(ticks, labels) def _make_fig_colorbar(logp): import matplotlib as mpl import pylab # Option 1: min to min + 4 #vmin=-max(logp); vmax=vmin+4 # Option 1b: min to min log10(num samples) #vmin=-max(logp); vmax=vmin+log10(len(logp)) # Option 2: full range of best 98% snllf = pylab.sort(-logp) vmin, vmax = snllf[0], snllf[int(0.98*(len(snllf)-1))] # robust range # Option 3: full range #vmin,vmax = -max(logp),-min(logp) fig = pylab.gcf() ax = fig.add_axes([0.60, 0.95, 0.35, 0.05]) cmap = # Set the colormap and norm to correspond to the data for which # the colorbar will be used. norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # ColorbarBase derives from ScalarMappable and puts a colorbar # in a specified axes, so it has everything needed for a # standalone colorbar. There are many more kwargs, but the # following gives a basic continuous colorbar with ticks # and labels. class MinDigitsFormatter(mpl.ticker.Formatter): def __init__(self, low, high): = high - low def __call__(self, x, pos=None): return format_value(x, ticks = (vmin, vmax) formatter = MinDigitsFormatter(vmin, vmax) cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ticks=ticks, format=formatter, orientation='horizontal') #cb.set_ticks(ticks) #cb.set_ticklabels(labels) #cb.set_label('negative log likelihood') return vmin, vmax, cmap def _make_logp_histogram(values, logp, nbins, ci, weights, cbar): from numpy import (ones_like, searchsorted, linspace, cumsum, diff, argsort, array, hstack, exp) if weights is None: weights = ones_like(logp) # TODO: values are being sorted to collect stats and again to plot idx = argsort(values) values, weights, logp = values[idx], weights[idx], logp[idx] #open('/tmp/out','a').write("ci=%s, range=%s\n" # % (ci,(min(values),max(values)))) edges = linspace(ci[0], ci[1], nbins+1) idx = searchsorted(values, edges) weightsum = cumsum(weights) heights = diff(weightsum[idx])/weightsum[-1] # normalized weights import pylab vmin, vmax, cmap = cbar cmap_steps = linspace(vmin, vmax, cmap.N+1) bins = [] # marginalized maximum likelihood for h, s, e, xlo, xhi \ in zip(heights, idx[:-1], idx[1:], edges[:-1], edges[1:]): if s == e: continue pv = -logp[s:e] pidx = argsort(pv) pw = weights[s:e][pidx] x = array([xlo, xhi], 'd') y = hstack((0, cumsum(pw))) z = pv[pidx][:, None] # centerpoint, histogram height, maximum likelihood for each bin bins.append(((xlo+xhi)/2, y[-1], exp(vmin-z[0]))) if len(z) > cmap.N: # downsample histogram bar according to number of colors pidx = searchsorted(z[1:-1].flatten(), cmap_steps) if pidx[-1] < len(z)-1: pidx = hstack((pidx, -1)) y, z = y[pidx], z[pidx] pylab.pcolormesh(x, y, z, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, hold=True, cmap=cmap) centers, height, maxlikelihood = array(bins).T # Normalize maximum likelihood plot so it contains the same area as the # histogram, unless it is really spikey, in which case make sure it has # about the same height as the histogram. maxlikelihood *= np.sum(height)/np.sum(maxlikelihood) hist_peak = np.max(height) ml_peak = np.max(maxlikelihood) if ml_peak > hist_peak*1.3: maxlikelihood *= hist_peak*1.3/ml_peak pylab.plot(centers, maxlikelihood, '-g', hold=True) def _make_var_histogram(values, logp, nbins, ci, weights): # Produce a histogram hist, bins = np.histogram(values, bins=nbins, range=ci, #new=True, normed=True, weights=weights) # Find the max likelihood for values in each bin edges = np.searchsorted(values, bins) histbest = [np.max(logp[edges[i]:edges[i+1]]) if edges[i] < edges[i+1] else -inf for i in range(nbins)] # scale to marginalized probability with peak the same height as hist histbest = np.exp(np.asarray(histbest) - max(logp)) * np.max(hist) import pylab # Plot the histogram[:-1], hist, width=bins[1]-bins[0]) # Plot the kernel density estimate #density = KDE1D(values) #x = linspace(bins[0],bins[-1],100) #pylab.plot(x, density(x), '-k', hold=True) # Plot the marginal maximum likelihood centers = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2 pylab.plot(centers, histbest, '-g', hold=True)
[docs]def plot_corrmatrix(draw): c = corrplot.Corr2d(draw.points.T, bins=50, labels=draw.labels) c.plot()
#print "Correlation matrix\n",c.R() class KDE1D(kde.gaussian_kde): covariance_factor = lambda self: 2*self.silverman_factor() class KDE2D(kde.gaussian_kde): covariance_factor = kde.gaussian_kde.silverman_factor def __init__(self, dataset): kde.gaussian_kde.__init__(self, dataset.T) def evalxy(self, x, y): grid_x, grid_y = meshgrid(x, y) dxy = self.evaluate(vstack([grid_x.flatten(), grid_y.flatten()])) return dxy.reshape(grid_x.shape) __call__ = evalxy
[docs]def plot_corr(draw, vars=(0, 1)): from pylab import axes, setp, MaxNLocator _, _ = vars # Make sure vars is length 2 labels = [draw.labels[v] for v in vars] values = [draw.points[:, v] for v in vars] # Form kernel density estimates of the parameters xmin, xmax = min(values[0]), max(values[0]) density_x = KDE1D(values[0]) x = linspace(xmin, xmax, 100) px = density_x(x) density_y = KDE1D(values[1]) ymin, ymax = min(values[1]), max(values[1]) y = linspace(ymin, ymax, 100) py = density_y(y) nbins = 50 ax_data = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.63, 0.63]) # x,y,w,h #density_xy = KDE2D(values[vars]) #dxy = density_xy(x,y)*points.shape[0] #ax_data.pcolorfast(x,y,dxy,cmap=cm.gist_earth_r) #@UndefinedVariable ax_data.plot(values[0], values[1], 'k.', markersize=1) ax_data.set_xlabel(labels[0]) ax_data.set_ylabel(labels[1]) ax_hist_x = axes([0.1, 0.75, 0.63, 0.2], sharex=ax_data) ax_hist_x.hist(values[0], nbins, orientation='vertical', normed=1) ax_hist_x.plot(x, px, 'k-') ax_hist_x.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4, prune="both")) setp(ax_hist_x.get_xticklabels(), visible=False,) ax_hist_y = axes([0.75, 0.1, 0.2, 0.63], sharey=ax_data) ax_hist_y.hist(values[1], nbins, orientation='horizontal', normed=1) ax_hist_y.plot(py, y, 'k-') ax_hist_y.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4, prune="both")) setp(ax_hist_y.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
[docs]def plot_trace(state, var=0, portion=None): from pylab import plot, title, xlabel, ylabel draw, points, _ = state.chains() start = int((1-portion)*len(draw)) if portion else 0 plot(arange(start, len(points))*state.thinning, squeeze(points[start:, state._good_chains, var])) title('Parameter history for variable %d' % (var+1,)) xlabel('Generation number') ylabel('Parameter value')
[docs]def plot_R(state, portion=None): from pylab import plot, title, legend, xlabel, ylabel draw, R = state.R_stat() start = int((1-portion)*len(draw)) if portion else 0 plot(arange(start, len(R)), R[start:]) title('Convergence history') legend(['P%d' % i for i in range(1, R.shape[1]+1)]) xlabel('Generation number') ylabel('R')
[docs]def plot_logp(state, portion=None): from pylab import plot, title, xlabel, ylabel draw, logp = state.logp() start = int((1-portion)*len(draw)) if portion else 0 plot(arange(start, len(logp)), logp[start:], ',', markersize=1) title('Log Likelihood History') xlabel('Generation number') ylabel('Log likelihood at x[k]')