Fitting Poisson data

Data from poisson processes, such as the number of counts per unit time or counts per unit area, do not have the same pattern of uncertainties as data from gaussian processes. Poisson data consists of natural numbers occurring at some underlying rate. The fitting process checks if the number of counts observed is consistent with the proposed rate for each point in the dataset, much like the fitting process for gaussian data checks if the observed value is consistent with the proposed value within the measurement uncertainty.

Using bumps.curve.PoissonCurve instead of bumps.curve.Curve, we can fit a set of counts at conditions x using a function f(x, p1, p2, ...) to propose rates for the various x values given the parameters, yielding parameter values p1, p2, ... that are most consistent with the counts at x. When measuring poisson processes, the underlying rate is not known, so the measurement variance, which is a property of the rate, is not associated with the data but instead associated with the theory function which predicts the rates. This is opposite from what we have with gaussian data, in which the uncertainty is associated with the measurement device, and explains why the call to PoissonCurve only accepts x and counts, not x, y, and dy.

One property of the Poisson distribution is that it is well approximated by a gaussian distribution for values above about 10. It will never be perfect match since numbers from a poisson distribution can never be negative, whereas gaussian numbers can always be negative, albeit with vanishingly small probability some of the time. Below 10, there are various ways you can approximate the poisson distribution with a gaussian. This example explores some of the options.

In particular, the handling of zero counts can be problematic when treating the measurement as gaussian. You cannot simply drop the points with zero counts. Once you’ve done various reduction steps, the resulting non-zero value for the uncertainty will carry meaning. The longer you count, the smaller the uncertainty should be, once you’ve normalized for counting time or monitor. Being off by a factor of 2 on the residuals is much better than being off by a factor of infinity using uncertainty = zero, and better than dropping the point altogether.

There are a few things you can do with zero counts without being completely arbitrary:

  1. \(\lambda = (k+1) \pm \sqrt{k+1}\) for all \(k\)
  2. \(\lambda = (k+1/2) \pm \sqrt{k+1/4}\) for all k
  3. \(\lambda = k \pm \sqrt{k+1}\) for all k
  4. \(\lambda = k \pm \sqrt{k}\) for \(k>0\), \(1/2 \pm 1/2\) for \(k = 0\)
  5. \(\lambda = k \pm \sqrt{k}\) for \(k>0\), \(0 \pm 1\) for \(k = 0\)

See the notes from the CDF Statistics Committee for details at

Of these, option 5 works slightly better for fitting, giving the best estimate of the background.

The ideal case is to have your model produce an expected number of counts on the detector. It is then trivial to compute the probability of seeing the observed counts from the expected counts and fit the parameters using PoissonCurve. Unfortunately, this means incorporating all instrumental effects when modelling the measurement rather than correcting for instrumental effects in a data reduction program, and using a common sample model independent of instrument.

Setting \(\lambda = k\) is good since that is the maximum likelihood value for \(\lambda\) given observed \(k\), but this breaks down at \(k=0\), giving zero uncertainty regardless of how long we measured.

Since the Poisson distribution is slightly skew, a good estimate is \(\lambda = k+1\) (option 1 above). This follows from the formula for the expected value of a distribution:

\[E[x] = \int_{-infty}^\infty x P(x) dx\]

For the poisson distribution, this is:

\[E[\lambda] = \int_0^\infty \lambda \frac{\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!} d\lambda\]

Running some simulations, we can see that \(\hat\lambda=(k+1)\pm\sqrt{k+1}\) (see This is the best fit rms value to the distribution of possible \(\lambda\) values that could give rise to the observed \(k\).

Convincing the world to accept \(\lambda = k+1\) would be challenging since the expected value is not the most likely value. As a compromise, one can use \(0 \pm 1\) for zero counts, and \(k \pm \sqrt{k}\) for other values. A minor problem is that this permits negative count rates for zero without significant penalty.

Note that from the simulation, the variance on \(\lambda\) given \(\lambda=k\) is also \(k+1\).

Another suggestion is to choose the center and bounds so that the uncertainty covers \(1-\sigma\) from the distribution (68%). A simple approximation which does this is \((n+1/2) \pm \sqrt{n+1/4}\).

Again, hard to convince the world to do, so one could compromise and choose \(1/2 \pm 1/2\) for \(k=0\), and the usual \(k \pm \sqrt{k}\) otherwise.

What follows is a model which allows us to fit a simulated peak using these various definitions of \(\lambda\) and see which version best recovers the true parameters which generated the peak.

from bumps.names import *

Define the peak shape. We are using a simple gaussian with center, width, scale and background.

def peak(x, scale, center, width, background):
    return scale*np.exp(-0.5*(x-center)**2/width**2) + background

Generate simulated peak data with poisson noise. When running the fit, you can choose various values for the peak intensity. We are using a large number of points so that the peak is highly constrained by the data, and the returned parameters are consistent from run to run. Real data is likely not so heavily sampled.

x = np.linspace(5,20,345)
#y = np.random.poisson(peak(x, 1000, 12, 1.0, 1))
#y = np.random.poisson(peak(x, 300, 12, 1.5, 1))
y = np.random.poisson(peak(x, 3, 12, 1.5, 1))

Define the various conditions. These can be selected on the command line by listing the condition name after the model file. Note that bumps will make any option not preceded by “-” available to the model file as elements of sys.argv. sys.argv[0] is the model file itself.

The options correspond to the five options listed above, with an additional option “poisson” which is used to select PoissonCurve rather than Curve in the fit.

cond = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "pearson"
if cond=="poisson": # option 0: use PoissonCurve rather than Curve to fit
elif cond=="expected": # option 1: L = (y+1) +/- sqrt(y+1)
    y += 1
    dy = np.sqrt(y)
elif cond=="pearson": # option 2: L = (y + 0.5)  +/- sqrt(y + 1/4)
    dy = np.sqrt(y+0.25)
    y = y + 0.5
elif cond=="expected_mle": # option 3: L = y +/- sqrt(y+1)
    dy = np.sqrt(y+1)
elif cond=="pearson_zero": # option 4: L = y +/- sqrt(y); L[0] = 0.5 +/- 0.5
    dy = np.sqrt(y)
    y = np.asarray(y, 'd')
    y[y==0] = 0.5
    dy[y==0] = 0.5
elif cond=="expected_zero": # option 5: L = y +/- sqrt(y);  L[0] = 0 +/- 1
    dy = np.sqrt(y)
    dy[y==0] = 1.0
    raise RuntimeError("Need to select uncertainty: pearson, pearson_zero, expected, expected_zero, expected_mle, poisson")

Build the fitter, and set the range on the fit parameters.

if cond == "poisson":
    M = PoissonCurve(peak,x,y,scale=1,center=2,width=2,background=0)
    M = Curve(peak,x,y,dy,scale=1,center=2,width=2,background=0)
dx = max(x)-min(x)

Set the fit problem as usual.

problem = FitProblem(M)

We can now load and run the fit. Be sure to substitute COND for one of the conditions defined above:

$ --fit=dream --burn=600 --store=/tmp/T1 COND

Comparing the results for the various conditions, we can see that all methods yield a good fit to the underlying center, scale and width. It is only the background that causes problems. Using poisson statistics for the fit gives the proper background estimate, and using the traditional method of \(\lambda = k \pm \sqrt{k}\) for \(k>0\), and \(0 \pm 1\) for \(k=1\) gives the best gaussian approximation.

Fit results
# method background
0 poisson 1.0
1 expected 1.55
2 pearson 0.16
3 expected_mle 0.55
4 pearson_zero 0.34
5 expected_zero 0.75
