Source code for bumps.pdfwrapper

Build a bumps model from a function.

The :class:`PDF` class uses introspection to convert a negative log
likelihood function nllf(m1,m2,...) into a :class:`bumps.fitproblem.Fitness`
class that has fittable parameters m1, m2, ....

There is no attempt to manage data or uncertainties, except that an
additional plot function can be provided to display the current value
of the function in whatever way is meaningful.

The note regarding user defined functions in :mod:`bumps.curve` apply
here as well.
import inspect

import numpy as np

from .parameter import Parameter
from .fitproblem import Fitness
from .bounds import init_bounds

[docs]class PDF(object): """ Build a model from a function. This model can be fitted with any of the bumps optimizers. *fn* is a function that returns the negative log likelihood of seeing its input parameters. The fittable parameters are derived from the parameter names in the function definition, with *name* prepended to each parameter. The optional *plot* function takes the same arguments as *fn*, with an additional *view* argument which may be set from the bumps command line. If provide, it should provide a visual indication of the function value and uncertainty on the current matplotlib.pyplot figure. Additional keyword arguments are treated as the initial values for the parameters, or initial ranges if par=(min,max). Otherwise, the default is taken from the function definition (if the function uses par=value to define the parameter) or is set to zero if no default is given in the function. """ def __init__(self, fn, name="", plot=None, dof=1, **kw): self.dof = dof # Make every name a parameter; initialize the parameters # with the default value if function is defined with keyword # initializers; override the initializers with any keyword # arguments specified in the fit function constructor. pnames, vararg, varkw, pvalues = inspect.getargspec(fn) if vararg or varkw: raise TypeError( "Function cannot have *args or **kwargs in declaration") # Parameters default to zero init = dict((p, 0) for p in pnames) # If the function provides default values, use those if pvalues: init.update(zip(pnames[-len(pvalues):], pvalues)) # Regardless, use any values specified in the constructor, but first # check that they exist as function parameters. invalid = set(kw.keys()) - set(pnames) if invalid: raise TypeError("Invalid initializers: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(invalid))) init.update(kw) # Build parameters out of ranges and initial values pars = dict((p, Parameter.default(init[p], name=name + p)) for p in pnames) # Make parameters accessible as model attributes for k, v in pars.items(): if hasattr(self, k): raise TypeError("Parameter cannot be named %s" % k) setattr(self, k, v) # Remember the function, parameters, and number of parameters self._function = fn self._pnames = pnames self._plot = plot
[docs] def parameters(self): return dict((p, getattr(self, p)) for p in self._pnames)
parameters.__doc__ = Fitness.parameters.__doc__
[docs] def nllf(self): kw = dict((p, getattr(self, p).value) for p in self._pnames) return self._function(**kw)
nllf.__doc__ = Fitness.__call__.__doc__
[docs] def chisq(self): return self.nllf()/self.dof
#chisq.__doc__ = Fitness.chisq.__doc__
[docs] def chisq_str(self): return "%g" % self.chisq()
#chisq_str.__doc__ = Fitness.chisq_str.__doc__ __call__ = chisq
[docs] def plot(self, view=None): if self._plot: kw = dict((p, getattr(self, p).value) for p in self._pnames) self._plot(view=view, **kw)
plot.__doc__ = Fitness.plot.__doc__
[docs] def numpoints(self): return len(self._pnames) + 1
numpoints.__doc__ = Fitness.numpoints.__doc__
[docs] def residuals(self): return np.array([self()])
residuals.__doc__ = Fitness.residuals.__doc__
[docs]class DirectPDF(object): """ Build model from probability density function *f(p)*. Vector *p0* of length *n* defines the initial value. *bounds* defines limiting values for *p* as *[(p1_low, p1_high), (p2_low, p2_high), ...]*. If all parameters are have the same bounds, use *bounds=np.tile([low,high],[n,1])*. Unlike :class:`PDF`, no parameter objects are defined for the elements of *p*, so all are fitting parameters. """ def __init__(self, f, p0, bounds=None, dof=1, labels=None): self.f = f self.n = len(p0) self.p = np.asarray(p0, 'd') self.dof = dof if bounds is not None: self._bounds = np.asarray(bounds, 'd') else: self._bounds = np.tile((-np.inf, np.inf), (self.n, 1)).T self._labels = labels if labels else ["P%d" % i for i,_ in enumerate(p0)]
[docs] def model_reset(self): pass
[docs] def chisq(self): return self.nllf()/self.dof
[docs] def chisq_str(self): return "%g" % self.chisq()
__call__ = chisq
[docs] def nllf(self, pvec=None): if pvec is not None: self.setp(pvec) return self.f(self.p)
[docs] def setp(self, p): self.p = p
[docs] def getp(self): return self.p
[docs] def show(self): print("[nllf=%g]" % self.nllf()) print(self.summarize())
[docs] def summarize(self): return "\n".join("%40s %g"%(name, value) for name, value in zip(self._labels, self.getp()))
[docs] def labels(self): return self._labels
[docs] def randomize(self, n=None): bounds = [init_bounds(b) for b in self._bounds.T] if n is not None: return np.array([b.random(n) for b in bounds]).T else: # Need to go through setp when updating model. self.setp([b.random(1)[0] for b in bounds])
[docs] def bounds(self): return self._bounds
[docs] def plot(self, p=None, fignum=None, figfile=None): pass
#def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self