Source code for bumps.dream.outliers

Chain outlier tests.

__all__ = ["identify_outliers"]

from numpy import mean, std, sqrt, where, argmin, arange, array
from numpy import sort
from scipy.stats import t as student_t
from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile

from .mahal import mahalanobis
from .acr import ACR

tinv = student_t.ppf
# from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile as prctile
# CRUFT: scoreatpercentile not accepting array arguments in older scipy

def prctile(v, Q):
    v = sort(v)
    return [scoreatpercentile(v, Qi) for Qi in Q]

[docs]def identify_outliers(test, chains, x): """ Determine which chains have converged on a local maximum much lower than the maximum likelihood. *test* is the name of the test to use (one of IQR, Grubbs, Mahal or none). *chains* is a set of log likelihood values of shape (chain len, num chains) *x* is the current population of shape (num vars, num chains) Returns an integer array of outlier indices. """ # Determine the mean log density of the active chains v = mean(chains, axis=0) # Check whether any of these active chains are outlier chains test = test.lower() if test == 'iqr': # Derive the upper and lower quartile of the chain averages q1, q3 = prctile(v, [25., 75.]) # Derive the Inter Quartile Range (IQR) iqr = q3 - q1 # See whether there are any outlier chains outliers = where(v < q1 - 2*iqr)[0] elif test == 'grubbs': # Compute zscore for chain averages zscore = (mean(v) - v) / std(v, ddof=1) # Determine t-value of one-sided interval n = len(v) t2 = tinv(1 - 0.01/n, n-2)**2 # 95% interval # Determine the critical value gcrit = ((n - 1)/sqrt(n)) * sqrt(t2/(n-2 + t2)) # Then check against this outliers = where(zscore > gcrit)[0] elif test == 'mahal': # Use the Mahalanobis distance to find outliers in the population alpha = 0.01 npop, nvar = x.shape gcrit = ACR(nvar, npop-1, alpha) #print "alpha", alpha, "nvar", nvar, "npop", npop, "gcrit", gcrit # Find which chain has minimum log_density minidx = argmin(v) # check the Mahalanobis distance of the current point to other chains d1 = mahalanobis(x[minidx, :], x[minidx != arange(npop), :]) #print "d1", d1, "minidx", minidx # and see if it is an outlier outliers = array([minidx]) if d1 > gcrit else array([]) elif test == 'none': outliers = array([]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown outlier test "+test) return outliers
def test_outliers(): from .walk import walk from numpy.random import multivariate_normal, seed from numpy import vstack, ones, eye seed(2) # Remove uncertainty on tests # Set a number of good and bad chains ngood, nbad = 25, 2 # Make chains mean-reverting chains with widely separated values for # bad and good; put bad chains first. chains = walk(1000, mu=[1]*nbad+[5]*ngood, sigma=0.45, alpha=0.1) # Check IQR and Grubbs assert (identify_outliers('IQR', chains, None) == arange(nbad)).all() assert (identify_outliers('Grubbs', chains, None) == arange(nbad)).all() # Put points for 'bad' chains at [-1,...,-1] and 'good' chains at [1,...,1] x = vstack((multivariate_normal(-ones(4), 0.1*eye(4), size=nbad), multivariate_normal(ones(4), 0.1*eye(4), size=ngood))) assert identify_outliers('Mahal', chains, x)[0] in range(nbad) # Put points for _all_ chains at [1,...,1] and check that mahal return [] xsame = multivariate_normal(ones(4), 0.2*eye(4), size=ngood+nbad) assert len(identify_outliers('Mahal', chains, xsame)) == 0 # Check again with large variance x = vstack((multivariate_normal(-3*ones(4), eye(4), size=nbad), multivariate_normal(ones(4), 10*eye(4), size=ngood))) assert len(identify_outliers('Mahal', chains, x)) == 0 # ===================================================================== # Test replacement # Construct a state object from numpy.linalg import norm from .state import MCMCDraw ngen, npop = chains.shape npop, nvar = x.shape state = MCMCDraw(Ngen=ngen, Nthin=ngen, Nupdate=0, Nvar=nvar, Npop=npop, Ncr=0, thinning=0) # Fill it with chains for i in range(ngen): state._generation(new_draws=npop, x=x, logp=chains[i], accept=npop) # Make a copy of the current state so we can check it was updated nx, nlogp = x+0, chains[-1]+0 # Remove outliers state.remove_outliers(nx, nlogp, test='IQR', portion=0.5) # Check that the outliers were removed outliers = state.outliers() assert outliers.shape[0] == nbad for i in range(nbad): assert nlogp[outliers[i, 1]] == chains[-1][outliers[i, 2]] assert norm(nx[outliers[i, 1], :] - x[outliers[i, 2], :]) == 0 if __name__ == "__main__": test_outliers()