Source code for bumps.dream.exppow

Exponential power density parameter calculator.

from __future__ import division

__all__ = ["exppow_pars"]

from scipy.special import gamma
from math import sqrt

[docs]def exppow_pars(B): r""" Return w(B) and c(B) for the exponential power density: .. math:: p(v|S,B) = \frac{w(B)}{S} \exp\left(-c(B) |v/S|^{2/(1+B)}\right) *B* in (-1,1] is a measure of kurtosis:: B = 1: double exponential B = 0: normal B -> -1: uniform [1] Thiemann, M., M. Trosser, H. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian (2001). *Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models*, Water Resour. Res. 37(10) 2521-2535. """ # First calculate some dummy variables A1 = gamma(3*(1+B)/2) A2 = gamma((1+B)/2) # And use these to derive Cb and Wb cB = (A1/A2)**(1/(1+B)) wB = sqrt(A1/A2**3)/(1+B) return cB, wB
def test(): import math cB, wB = exppow_pars(13) assert abs(cB - 12.8587702619708) < 1e-13 assert abs(wB - 5766.80847609837) < 1e-11 # Check that beta=0 yields a normal distribution cB, wB = exppow_pars(0) assert abs(2*math.pi*wB**2 - 1) < 1e-14 assert abs(cB - 0.5) < 1e-14 if __name__ == "__main__": #print calc_CbWb(13) test()