Source code for bumps.mono

Monotonic spline modeling.

from __future__ import division

__all__ = ['monospline', 'hermite', 'count_inflections', 'plot_inflections']

import numpy as np
from numpy import (diff, hstack, sqrt, searchsorted, asarray,
                   nonzero, linspace, isnan)

[docs]def monospline(x, y, xt): r""" Monotonic cubic hermite interpolation. Returns $p(x_t)$ where $p(x_i)= y_i$ and $p(x) \leq p(x_i)$ if $y_i \leq y_{i+1}$ for all $y_i$. Also works for decreasing values $y$, resulting in decreasing $p(x)$. If $y$ is not monotonic, then $p(x)$ may peak higher than any $y$, so this function is not suitable for a strict constraint on the interpolated function when $y$ values are unconstrained. """ with np.errstate(all='ignore'): x = hstack((x[0] - 1, x, x[-1] + 1)) y = hstack((y[0], y, y[-1])) dx = diff(x) dy = diff(y) dx[abs(dx) < 1e-10] = 1e-10 delta = dy / dx m = (delta[1:] + delta[:-1]) / 2 m = hstack((0, m, 0)) alpha, beta = m[:-1] / delta, m[1:] / delta d = alpha ** 2 + beta ** 2 # print "ma",m for i in range(len(m) - 1): if isnan(delta[i]): m[i] = delta[i + 1] elif dy[i] == 0 or alpha[i] == 0 or beta[i] == 0: m[i] = m[i + 1] = 0 elif d[i] > 9: tau = 3. / sqrt(d[i]) m[i] = tau * alpha[i] * delta[i] m[i + 1] = tau * beta[i] * delta[i] # if isnan(m[i]) or isnan(m[i+1]): # print i,"isnan",tau,d[i], alpha[i],beta[i],delta[i] # elif isnan(m[i]): # print i,"isnan",delta[i],dy[i] #m[ dy[1:]*dy[:-1]<0 ] = 0 # if np.any(isnan(m)|isinf(m)): # print "mono still has bad values" # print "m",m # print "delta",delta # print "dx,dy",list(zip(dx,dy)) # m[isnan(m)|isinf(m)] = 0 return hermite(x, y, m, xt)
[docs]def hermite(x, y, m, xt): """ Computes the cubic hermite polynomial $p(x_t)$. The polynomial goes through all points $(x_i,y_i)$ with slope $m_i$ at the point. """ with np.errstate(all='ignore'): x, y, m, xt = [asarray(v, 'd') for v in (x, y, m, xt)] idx = searchsorted(x[1:-1], xt) h = x[idx + 1] - x[idx] h[h <= 1e-10] = 1e-10 s = (y[idx + 1] - y[idx]) / h v = xt - x[idx] c3, c2, c1, c0 = ((m[idx] + m[idx + 1] - 2 * s) / h ** 2, (3 * s - 2 * m[idx] - m[idx + 1]) / h, m[idx], y[idx]) return ((c3 * v + c2) * v + c1) * v + c0
# TODO: move inflection point code to
[docs]def count_inflections(x, y): """ Count the number of inflection points in a curve. """ with np.errstate(all='ignore'): m = (y[2:] - y[:-2]) / (x[2:] - x[:-2]) b = y[2:] - m * x[2:] delta = y[1:-1] - (m * x[1:-1] + b) delta = delta[nonzero(delta)] # ignore points on the line sign_change = (delta[1:] * delta[:-1]) < 0 return sum(sign_change)
[docs]def plot_inflections(x, y): """ Plot inflection points in a curve. """ m = (y[2:] - y[:-2]) / (x[2:] - x[:-2]) b = y[2:] - m * x[2:] delta = y[1:-1] - (m * x[1:-1] + b) t = linspace(x[0], x[-1], 400) import pylab ax1 = pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(t, monospline(x, y, t), '-b', x, y, 'ob') pylab.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) delta_x = x[1:-1] pylab.stem(delta_x, delta) pylab.plot(delta_x[delta < 0], delta[delta < 0], 'og') pylab.axis([x[0], x[-1], min(min(delta), 0), max(max(delta), 0)])