Source code for bumps.dream.util

Miscellaneous utilities.

__all__ = ["draw", "console"]

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rng

[docs]def draw(k, n): """ Select k things from a pool of n without replacement. """ # At k == n/4, an extra 0.15*k draws are needed to get k unique draws if k > n/4: result = rng.permutation(n)[:k] else: s = set() result = np.empty(k, 'i') for i in range(k): p = rng.randint(n) while p in s: p = rng.randint(n) s.add(p) result[i] = p return result
def _check_uniform_draw(): """ Draws from history should """ import pylab k, n = 50, 400 counts = np.zeros(n*k) idx = np.arange(k) for _ in range(100000): t = draw(k, n) counts[k*t+idx] += 1 pylab.subplot(211) pylab.pcolormesh(np.reshape(counts, (n, k))) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('drawn number vs. draw position') pylab.subplot(212) pylab.hist(counts) pylab.title('number of draws per (number,position) bin')
[docs]def console(): """ Start the python console with the local variables available. console() should be the last thing in the file, after sampling and showing the default plots. """ import os import sys # Hack for eclipse console: can't actually run ipython in the eclipse # console and get it to plot, so instead guess whether we are in a # console by checking if we are attached to a proper tty through stdin. # For eclipse, just show the plots. try: tty = os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()) except Exception: tty = False if tty: # Display outstanding plots and turn interactive on from matplotlib import interactive from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf for fig in Gcf.get_all_fig_managers(): try: # CRUFT except AttributeError: fig.frame.Show() interactive(True) # Start an ipython shell with the caller's local variables import IPython symbols = sys._getframe(1).f_locals ip = IPython.Shell.IPShell(user_ns=symbols) ip.mainloop() else: # Not a tty; try doing show() anyway import pylab