Source code for bumps.dream.diffev

Differential evolution MCMC stepper.
from __future__ import division, print_function

__all__ = ["de_step"]

from numpy import zeros, ones, dot, cov, eye, sqrt, sum, all
from numpy import where, select
from numpy.linalg import norm, cholesky, LinAlgError
from .util import draw, rng

EPS = 1e-6
_SNOOKER, _DE, _DIRECT = 0, 1, 2

[docs]def de_step(Nchain, pop, CR, max_pairs=2, eps=0.05, snooker_rate=0.1, noise=1e-6, scale=1.0): """ Generates offspring using METROPOLIS HASTINGS monte-carlo markov chain The number of chains may be smaller than the population size if the population is selected from both the current generation and the ancestors. """ Npop, Nvar = pop.shape # Initialize the delta update to zero delta_x = zeros((Nchain, Nvar)) step_alpha = ones(Nchain) # Choose snooker, de or direct according to snooker_rate, and 80:20 # ratio of de to direct. u = rng.rand(Nchain) de_rate = 0.8 * (1-snooker_rate) alg = select([u < snooker_rate, u < snooker_rate+de_rate], [_SNOOKER, _DE], default=_DIRECT) # [PAK] CR selection moved from crossover into DE step CR_used = rng.choice(CR[:, 0], size=Nchain, replace=True, p=CR[:, 1]) # Chains evolve using information from other chains to create offspring for qq in range(Nchain): if alg[qq] == _DE: # Use DE with cross-over ratio # Select to number of vector pair differences to use in update # using k ~ discrete U[1, max pairs] k = rng.randint(max_pairs)+1 # [PAK: same as k = DEversion[qq, 1] in matlab version] # Select 2*k members at random different from the current member perm = draw(2*k, Npop-1) perm[perm >= qq] += 1 r1, r2 = perm[:k], perm[k:2*k] # Select the dims to update based on the crossover ratio, making # sure at least one dim is selected vars = where(rng.rand(Nvar) > CR_used[qq])[0] if len(vars) == 0: vars = [rng.randint(Nvar)] # Weight the size of the jump inversely proportional to the # number of contributions, both from the parameters being # updated and from the population defining the step direction. gamma = 2.38/sqrt(2 * len(vars) * k) # [PAK: same as F=Table_JumpRate[len(vars), k] in matlab version] # Find and average step from the selected pairs step = sum(pop[r1]-pop[r2], axis=0) # Apply that step with F scaling and noise jiggle = 1 + eps * (2 * rng.rand(*step.shape) - 1) delta_x[qq, vars] = (jiggle*gamma*step)[vars] elif alg[qq] == _SNOOKER: # Use snooker update # Select current and three others perm = draw(3, Npop-1) perm[perm >= qq] += 1 xi = pop[qq] z, R1, R2 = [pop[i] for i in perm] # Find the step direction and scale it to the length of the # projection of R1-R2 onto the step direction. # TODO: population sometimes not unique! step = xi - z denom = sum(step**2) if denom == 0: # identical points; should be extremely rare step = EPS*rng.randn(*step.shape) denom = sum(step**2) step_scale = sum((R1-R2)*step) / denom # Step using gamma of 2.38/sqrt(2) + U(-0.5, 0.5) gamma = 1.2 + rng.rand() delta_x[qq] = gamma * step_scale * step # Scale Metropolis probability by (||xi* - z||/||xi - z||)^(d-1) step_alpha[qq] = (norm(delta_x[qq]+step)/norm(step))**((Nvar-1)/2) CR_used[qq] = 0.0 elif alg[qq] == _DIRECT: # Use one pair and all dimensions # Note that there is no F scaling, dimension selection or noise perm = draw(2, Npop-1) perm[perm >= qq] += 1 delta_x[qq, :] = pop[perm[0], :] - pop[perm[1], :] CR_used[qq] = 0.0 else: raise RuntimeError("Select failed...should never happen") # If no step was specified (exceedingly unlikely!), then # select a delta at random from a gaussian approximation to the # current population if all(delta_x[qq] == 0): try: #print "No step" # Compute the Cholesky Decomposition of x_old R = (2.38/sqrt(Nvar)) * cholesky(cov(pop.T) + EPS*eye(Nvar)) # Generate jump using multinormal distribution delta_x[qq] = dot(rng.randn(*(1, Nvar)), R) except LinAlgError: print("Bad cholesky") delta_x[qq] = rng.randn(Nvar) # Update x_old with delta_x and noise delta_x *= scale # [PAK] The noise term needs to depend on the fitting range # of the parameter rather than using a fixed noise value for all # parameters. The current parameter value is a pretty good proxy # in most cases (i.e., relative noise), but it breaks down if the # parameter is zero, or if the range is something like 1 +/- eps. # absolute noise #x_new = pop[:Nchain] + delta_x + scale*noise*rng.randn(Nchain, Nvar) # relative noise x_new = pop[:Nchain] * (1 + scale*noise*rng.randn(Nchain, Nvar)) + delta_x # no noise #x_new = pop[:Nchain] + delta_x return x_new, step_alpha, CR_used
def _check(): from numpy import arange nchain, npop, nvar = 4, 10, 3 pop = 100*arange(npop*nvar).reshape((npop, nvar)) pop += rng.rand(*pop.shape)*1e-6 cr = 1./(rng.randint(4, size=nvar)+1) x_new, _step_alpha, used = de_step(nchain, pop, cr, max_pairs=2, eps=0.05) print("""\ The following table shows the expected portion of the dimensions that are changed and the rounded value of the change for each point in the population. """) for r, i, u in zip(cr, range(8), used): rstr = ("%3d%% " % (r*100)) if u else "full " vstr = " ".join("%4d" % (int(v/100+0.5)) for v in x_new[i]-pop[i]) print(rstr+vstr) if __name__ == "__main__": _check()