Cross-shaped anti-correlation

Example model with strong correlations between the fitted parameters.

In this case we define the probability density function (PDF) directly as an ‘X’ pattern, with width sigma.

Ideally, the a-b correlation plot will show the ‘X’ completely filled within the bounds.

from bumps.names import *

Adjust scale from 1e-150 to 1e+150 and you will see that DREAM is equally adept at filling the cross. However, if sigma gets too small relative to scale the fit will get stuck on one of the arms, and if sigma gets too large, then the whole space will be filled and the x will not form.

scale = 10
sigma = 0.1*scale
#sigma = 0.001*scale  # Too small
#sigma = 10*scale   # Too large

Simple gaussian cost function based on the distance to the closest ridge x=y or x=-y.

def fn(a, b):
    return 0.5*min(abs(a+b),abs(a-b))**2/sigma**2 + 1

Wrap it in a PDF object which turns an arbitrary probability density into a fitting function. Give it an initial value away from the cross.

M = PDF(fn, a=3*scale, b=1.2*scale)

Set the range of values to include the cross. You can skip the center of the cross by setting b.range to (1,3), and for reasonable values of sigma both arms will still be covered. Extend the range too far (e.g., a.range(-3000,3000), b.range(-1000,3000)), and like a value of sigma that is too small, only one arm of the cross will be filled.


Make the PDF a fit problem that bumps can process.

problem = FitProblem(M)
