Source code for bumps.random_lines

Random Lines Algorithm finds the optimal minimum of a function.

Sahin, I. (2013). Minimization over randomly selected lines.  An
International  Journal Of Optimization And Control: Theories &
Applications (IJOCTA), 3(2), 111-119.

# Author : Ismet Sahin
from __future__ import print_function

__all__ = ["random_lines", "particle_swarm"]

from itertools import count

from numpy import zeros, ones, asarray, sqrt, arange, isfinite
from numpy.random import rand, random_integers

def print_every_five(step, x, fx, k):
    if step % 5 == 0:
        print(step, ":", fx[k], x[k])

[docs] def random_lines(cfo, NP, CR=0.9, epsilon=1e-10, abort_test=None, maxiter=1000): """ Random lines is a population based optimizer which using quadratic fits along randomly oriented directions. *cfo* is the cost function object. This is a dictionary which contains the following keys: *cost* is the function to be optimized. If *parallel_cost* exists, it should accept a list of points, not just a single point on each evaluation. *n* is the problem dimension *x0* is the initial point *x1* and *x2* are lower and upper bounds for each parameter *monitor* is a callable which is called each iteration using *callback(step, x, fx, k)*, where *step* is the iteration number, *x* is the population, *fx* is value of the cost function for each member of the population and *k* is the index of the best point in the population. *f_opt* is the target value of the optimization *NP* is the number of fit parameters *CR* is the cross-over ratio, which is the proportion of dimensions that participate in any random orientation vector. *epsilon* is the convergence criterion. *abort_test* is a callable which indicates whether an external processes requests the fit to stop. *maxiter* is the maximum number of generations Returns success, num_evals, f(x_best), x_best. """ if 'parallel_cost' in cfo: mapper = lambda v: asarray(cfo['parallel_cost'](v.T), 'd') else: mapper = lambda v: asarray(list(map(cfo['cost'], v.T)), 'd') monitor = cfo.get('monitor', print_every_five) n = cfo['n'] X = rand(n, NP) # will hold original vectors # CREATE FIRST GENERATION WITH LEGAL PARAMETER VALUES AND EVALUATE COSTS # m th member of the population for m in range(0, NP): X[:, m] = cfo['x1'] + (cfo['x2'] - cfo['x1']) * X[:, m] if 'x0' in cfo: X[:, 0] = cfo['x0'] f = mapper(X) n_feval = NP f_best, i_best = min(zip(f, count())) # CHECK INITIAL STOPPING CRITERIA if abs(cfo['f_opt'] - f_best) < epsilon: satisfied_sc = 1 x_best = X[:, i_best] return satisfied_sc, n_feval, f_best, x_best for L in range(1, maxiter + 1): # finding destination vector i_Xj = random_integers(0, NP - 2, NP) i_ge = (i_Xj >= arange(0, NP)) i_Xj[i_ge] += 1 # choosing muk muk = 0.01 + 0.49 * rand(NP) inx = rand(NP) < 0.5 muk[inx] = -muk[inx] # find xk and fk s Xi = X Xj = X[:, i_Xj] P = Xj - Xi Xk = Xi + (ones((n, 1)) * muk) * P fk = mapper(Xk) n_feval = n_feval + NP # find quadratic models if any(muk == 0) or any(muk == 1): satisfied_sc = 0 x_best = X[:, i_best] print('muk cannot be zero or one !!!') return satisfied_sc, n_feval, f_best, x_best fi = f fj = f[i_Xj] b = (muk/(muk-1))*fj - ((muk+1)/muk)*fi - (1/(muk*(muk-1)))*fk a = fj - fi - b crossovers = [] for k in range(0, NP): if (abs(a[k]) < 1e-30 or (a[k] < 0 and fk[k] > fi[k] and fk[k] > fj[k]) or not isfinite(a[k])): # xi survives continue else: # xi may not survive mustar = -b[k] / (2 * a[k]) xstar = Xi[:, k] + mustar * P[:, k] # choosing random numbers for crossover rn = rand(n) indi = (rn < 0.5 * (1 - CR)) indj = (rn > 0.5 * (1 + CR)) xstar[indi] = Xi[indi, k] xstar[indj] = Xj[indj, k] # map into feasible set inx = xstar < cfo['x1'] xstar[inx] = cfo['x1'][inx] inx = xstar > cfo['x2'] xstar[inx] = cfo['x2'][inx] crossovers.append((k, xstar)) if len(crossovers) > 0: idx, xstar = [asarray(v) for v in zip(*crossovers)] fstar = mapper(xstar.T) n_feval += len(crossovers) # xi does not survive, xstar replaces it update = fstar < fi[idx] f[idx[update]] = fstar[update] X[:, idx[update]] = xstar[update, :].T # CHECKING STOPPING CRITERIA f_best, i_best = min(zip(f, count())) if abs(cfo['f_opt'] - f_best) < epsilon: satisfied_sc = 1 x_best = X[:, i_best] return satisfied_sc, n_feval, f_best, x_best if abort_test(): break monitor(L, X, f, i_best) return 1, n_feval, f_best, X[:, i_best]
[docs] def particle_swarm(cfo, NP, epsilon=1e-10, maxiter=1000): """ Particle swarm is a population based optimizer which uses force and momentum to select candidate points. *cfo* is the cost function object. This is a dictionary which contains the following keys: *cost* is the function to be optimized. If *parallel_cost* exists, it should accept a list of points, not just a single point on each evaluation. *n* is the problem dimension *x0* is the initial point *x1* and *x2* are lower and upper bounds for each parameter *monitor* is a callable which is called each iteration using *callback(step, x, fx, k)*, where *step* is the iteration number, *x* is the population, *fx* is value of the cost function for each member of the population and *k* is the index of the best point in the population. *f_opt* is the target value of the optimization *NP* is the number of fit parameters *epsilon* is the convergence criterion. *abort_test* is a callable which indicates whether an external processes requests the fit to stop. *maxiter* is the maximum number of generations Returns success, num_evals, f(x_best), x_best. """ if 'parallel_cost' in cfo: mapper = lambda v: asarray(cfo['parallel_cost'](v.T), 'd') else: mapper = lambda v: asarray(list(map(cfo['cost'], v.T)), 'd') monitor = cfo.get('monitor', print_every_five) n = cfo['n'] c1 = 2.8 c2 = 1.3 phi = c1 + c2 K = 2 / abs(2 - phi - sqrt(phi * phi - 4 * phi)) X = rand(n, NP) # will hold original vectors V = zeros((n, NP)) # CREATE FIRST GENERATION WITH LEGAL PARAMETER VALUES AND EVALUATE COSTS rn1 = rand(n, NP) # m th member of the population for m in range(0, NP): extend = cfo['x2'] - cfo['x1'] X[:, m] = cfo['x1'] + extend * X[:, m] V[:, m] = 2 * rn1[:, m] * extend - extend if 'x0' in cfo: X[:, 0] = cfo['x0'] f = mapper(X) n_feval = NP P = X[:] f_best, i_best = min(zip(f, count())) for L in range(2, maxiter + 1): rn2 = rand(n, NP) for i in range(0, NP): #r = rand(2) r = rn2[:, i] V[:, i] = V[:, i] + r[0] * c1 * \ (P[:, i] - X[:, i]) + r[1] * c2 * (P[:, i_best] - X[:, i]) V[:, i] = K * V[:, i] X[:, i] = X[:, i] + V[:, i] f_temp = mapper(X) idx = f_temp < f f[idx] = f_temp[idx] P[:, idx] = X[:, idx] n_feval = n_feval + NP # CHECKING STOPPING CRITERIA f_best, i_best = min(zip(f, count())) if abs(cfo['f_opt'] - f_best) < epsilon: satisfied_sc = 1 return satisfied_sc, n_feval, f_best, X[:, i_best] monitor(L, X, f, i_best) satisfied_sc = 0 return satisfied_sc, n_feval, f_best, X[:, i_best]
def example_call(optimizer=random_lines): from numpy.random import seed seed(1) cost = lambda x: x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2 n = 2 x1 = -5 * ones(n) x2 = 5 * ones(n) f_opt = 0 cfo = {'cost': cost, 'n': n, 'x1': x1, 'x2': x2, 'f_opt': f_opt} NP = 10 * n satisfied_sc, n_feval, f_best, x_best = optimizer(cfo, NP) print(satisfied_sc, "n:%d" % n_feval, f_best, x_best) def main(): print("=== Random Lines") example_call(random_lines) print("=== Particle Swarm") example_call(particle_swarm) if __name__ == "__main__": main()