Source code for bumps.mapper

Parallel and serial mapper implementations.

The API is a bit crufty since interprocess communication has evolved from
the original implementation. And the names are misleading.


    mapper = Mapper.start_mapper(problem, None, cpus)
    result = mapper(points)
    mapper = Mapper.start_mapper(problem, None, cpus)
    result = mapper(points)
import sys
import os

# {{{ (r1)
# Converted to use ctypes by Paul Kienzle


[docs] def can_pickle(problem, check=False): """ Returns True if *problem* can be pickled. If this method returns False then MPMapper cannot be used and SerialMapper should be used instead. If *check* is True then call *nllf()* on the duplicated object as a "smoke test" to verify that the function will run after copying. This is not foolproof. For example, access to a database may work in the duplicated object because the connection is open and available in the current process, but it will fail when trying to run on a remote machine. """ try: import dill except ImportError: dill = None import pickle try: if dill is not None: dup = dill.loads(dill.dumps(problem, recurse=True)) else: dup = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(problem)) if check: dup.nllf() return True except Exception: return False
[docs] def setpriority(pid=None, priority=1): """ Set The Priority of a Windows Process. Priority is a value between 0-5 where 2 is normal priority and 5 is maximum. Default sets the priority of the current python process but can take any valid process ID. """ #import win32api,win32process,win32con from ctypes import windll priorityclasses = [0x40, # IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0x4000, # BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0x20, # NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0x8000, # ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0x80, # HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0x100, # REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ] if pid is None: pid = windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcessId() handle = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, True, pid) windll.kernel32.SetPriorityClass(handle, priorityclasses[priority])
# end of }}}
[docs] def nice(): if == 'nt': setpriority(priority=1) else: os.nice(5)
[docs] class SerialMapper(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def start_worker(problem): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def start_mapper(problem, modelargs=None, cpus=0): # Note: map is n iterator in python 3.x return lambda points: list(map(problem.nllf, points))
[docs] @staticmethod def stop_mapper(mapper): pass
# Load the problem in the remote process rather than pickling #def _MP_load_problem(*modelargs): # from .fitproblem import load_problem # _MP_set_problem(load_problem(*modelargs)) def _MP_setup(namespace): # Using MPMapper class variables to store worker globals. # It doesn't matter if they conflict with the controller values since # they are in a different process. MPMapper.namespace = namespace nice() def _MP_run_problem(problem_point_pair): problem_id, point = problem_point_pair if problem_id != MPMapper.problem_id: #print(f"Fetching problem {problem_id} from namespace") # Problem is pickled using dill when it is available try: import dill MPMapper.problem = dill.loads(MPMapper.namespace.pickled_problem) except ImportError: MPMapper.problem = MPMapper.namespace.problem MPMapper.problem_id = problem_id return MPMapper.problem.nllf(point)
[docs] class MPMapper(object): # Note: suprocesses are using the same variables pool = None manager = None namespace = None problem_id = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def start_worker(problem): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def start_mapper(problem, modelargs=None, cpus=0): import multiprocessing # Set up the process pool on the first call. if MPMapper.pool is None: # Create a sync namespace to distribute the problem description. MPMapper.manager = multiprocessing.Manager() MPMapper.namespace = MPMapper.manager.Namespace() # Start the process pool, sending the namespace handle if cpus == 0: cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() MPMapper.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cpus, _MP_setup, (MPMapper.namespace,)) # Increment the problem number and store the problem in the namespace. # The store action uses pickle to transfer python objects to the # manager process. Since this may fail for lambdas and for functions # defined within the model file, instead use dill (if available) # to pickle the problem before storing. MPMapper.problem_id += 1 try: import dill MPMapper.namespace.pickled_problem = dill.dumps(problem, recurse=True) except ImportError: MPMapper.namespace.problem = problem ## Store the modelargs and the problem name if pickling doesn't work #MPMapper.namespace.modelargs = modelargs # Set the mapper to send problem_id/point value pairs mapper = lambda points: _MP_run_problem, ((MPMapper.problem_id, p) for p in points)) return mapper
[docs] @staticmethod def stop_mapper(mapper): # reset pool and manager MPMapper.pool.terminate() MPMapper.manager.shutdown() MPMapper.pool = None MPMapper.manager = None MPMapper.namespace = None
# Don't reset problem id; it keeps count even when mapper is restarted. ##MPMapper.problem_id = 0 def _MPI_set_problem(problem, comm, root=0): import dill pickled_problem = dill.dumps(problem, recurse=True) if comm.rank == root else None pickled_problem = comm.bcast(pickled_problem, root=root) return problem if comm.rank == root else dill.loads(pickled_problem) def _MPI_map(problem, points, comm, root=0): #print(f"{comm.rank}: mapping points") import numpy as np from mpi4py import MPI # Send number of points and number of variables per point. # root: return result if there are points otherwise return False # worker: return True if there are points otherwise return False npoints, nvars = comm.bcast( points.shape if comm.rank == root else None, root=root) if npoints == 0: return False # Divvy points equally across all processes whole = points if comm.rank == root else None idx = np.arange(comm.size) size = np.ones(comm.size, idx.dtype) * \ (npoints // comm.size) + (idx < npoints % comm.size) offset = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0, size[:-1]))) part = np.empty((size[comm.rank], nvars), dtype='d') comm.Scatterv((whole, (size * nvars, offset * nvars), MPI.DOUBLE), (part, MPI.DOUBLE), root=root) # Evaluate models assigned to each processor partial_result = np.array([problem.nllf(pk) for pk in part], dtype='d') # Collect results result = np.empty(npoints, dtype='d') if comm.rank == root else True comm.Barrier() comm.Gatherv((partial_result, MPI.DOUBLE), (result, (size, offset), MPI.DOUBLE), root=root) comm.Barrier() return result
[docs] class MPIMapper(object): _first_fit = True # The first problem is set when the worker starts
[docs] @staticmethod def start_worker(problem): """ Start the worker process. For the main process this does nothing and returns immediately. The worker processes never return. Each worker sits in a loop waiting for the next batch of points for the problem, or for the next problem. Set t problem is set to None, then exit the process and never """ from mpi4py import MPI comm, root = MPI.COMM_WORLD, 0 # If worker, sit in a loop waiting for the next point. # If the point is empty, then wait for a new problem. # If the problem is None then we are done, otherwise wait for next point. if comm.rank != root: #print(f"{comm.rank}: looping") while True: result = _MPI_map(problem, None, comm, root) if not result: problem = _MPI_set_problem(None, comm, root) if problem is None: break #print(f"{comm.rank}: changing problem") #print(f"{comm.rank}: finalizing") MPI.Finalize() # Exit the program after the worker is done. Don't return # to the caller since that is continuing on with the main # thread, and in particular, attempting to rerun the fit on # each worker. sys.exit(0)
[docs] @staticmethod def start_mapper(problem, modelargs=None, cpus=0): # Only root can get here---worker is stuck in start_worker from mpi4py import MPI comm, root = MPI.COMM_WORLD, 0 import numpy as np # Signal new problem then send it, but not on the first fit. We do this # so that we can still run MPI fits even if the problem itself cannot # be pickled, but only the first one. (You can still fit a series even # if the problem can't be pickled, but you will need to restart the # MPI job separately for each fit.) # Note: setting problem to None stops the program, so call finalize(). mapper = lambda points: _MPI_map(problem, points, comm, root) if not MPIMapper._first_fit: #print(f"{comm.rank}: replacing problem") # Send an empty set of points to signal a new problem is coming. mapper(np.empty((0, 0), 'd')) _MPI_set_problem(problem, comm, root) if problem is None: #print(f"{comm.rank}: finalizing root") MPI.Finalize() MPIMapper._first_fit = False return mapper
[docs] @staticmethod def stop_mapper(mapper): # Set problem=None to stop the program. MPIMapper.start_mapper(None, None)
[docs] class AMQPMapper(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def start_worker(problem): #sys.stderr = open("bumps-%d.log"%os.getpid(),"w") #print >>sys.stderr,"worker is starting"; sys.stdout.flush() from amqp_map.config import SERVICE_HOST from amqp_map.core import connect, start_worker as serve server = connect(SERVICE_HOST) #os.system("echo 'serving' > /tmp/map.%d"%(os.getpid())) # print "worker is serving"; sys.stdout.flush() serve(server, "bumps", problem.nllf)
#print >>sys.stderr,"worker ended"; sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] @staticmethod def start_mapper(problem, modelargs=None, cpus=0): import sys import multiprocessing import subprocess from amqp_map.config import SERVICE_HOST from amqp_map.core import connect, Mapper server = connect(SERVICE_HOST) mapper = Mapper(server, "bumps") cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pipes = [] for _ in range(cpus): cmd = [sys.argv[0], "--worker"] + modelargs # print "starting",sys.argv[0],"in",os.getcwd(),"with",cmd pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) pipes.append(pipe) for pipe in pipes: if pipe.poll() > 0: raise RuntimeError("subprocess returned %d\nout: %s\nerr: %s" % (pipe.returncode, pipe.stdout, pipe.stderr)) #os.system(" ".join(cmd+["&"])) import atexit def exit_fun(): for p in pipes: p.terminate() atexit.register(exit_fun) # print "returning mapper",mapper return mapper
[docs] @staticmethod def stop_mapper(mapper): for pipe in mapper.pipes: pipe.terminate()