Source code for bumps.dream.gelman

Convergence test statistic from Gelman and Rubin, 1992.[1]

[1] Gelman, Andrew, and Donald B. Rubin.
    "Inference from Iterative Simulation Using Multiple Sequences."
    Statistical Science 7, no. 4 (November 1, 1992): 457-72.

from __future__ import division

__all__ = ["gelman"]

from numpy import var, mean, ones, sqrt

[docs] def gelman(sequences, portion=0.5): """ Calculates the R-statistic convergence diagnostic For more information please refer to: Gelman, A. and D.R. Rubin, 1992. Inference from Iterative Simulation Using Multiple Sequences, Statistical Science, Volume 7, Issue 4, 457-472. doi:10.1214/ss/1177011136 """ # Find the size of the sample chain_len, nchains, nvar = sequences.shape #print sequences[:20, 0, 0] # Only use the last portion of the sample chain_len = int(chain_len*portion) sequences = sequences[-chain_len:] if chain_len < 2: # Set the R-statistic to a large value r_stat = -2 * ones(nvar) else: # Step 1: Determine the sequence means mean_seq = mean(sequences, axis=0) # Step 1: Determine the variance between the sequence means b = chain_len * var(mean_seq, axis=0, ddof=1) # Step 2: Compute the variance of the various sequences var_seq = var(sequences, axis=0, ddof=1) # Step 2: Calculate the average of the within sequence variances w = mean(var_seq, axis=0) # Step 3: Estimate the target mean #mu = mean(mean_seq) # Step 4: Estimate the target variance (Eq. 3) sigma2 = ((chain_len - 1)/chain_len) * w + (1/chain_len) * b # TODO: the second term, -(N-1)/(K N), doesn't appear in [1] # Step 5: Compute the R-statistic r_stat = sqrt((nchains + 1)/nchains * sigma2 / w - (chain_len-1)/nchains/chain_len) #par=2 #print chain_len,b[par],var_seq[...,par],w[par],r_stat[par] return r_stat
def test(): from numpy import reshape, arange, transpose from numpy.linalg import norm # Targe values computed from octave: # format long # s = reshape([1:15*6*7],[15,6,7]); # r = gelman(s,struct('n',6,'seq',7)) s = reshape(arange(1.0, 15*6*7+1)**-2, (15, 6, 7), order='F') s = transpose(s, [0, 2, 1]) target = [1.06169861367116, 2.75325774624905, 4.46256647696399, 6.12792266170178, 7.74538715553575, 9.31276519155232] r = gelman(s, portion=1) #print r #print "target", array(target), "\nactual", r assert norm(r-target) < 1e-14 r = gelman(s, portion=0.1) assert norm(r - [-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2]) == 0 if __name__ == "__main__": test()