plugin - Domain branding


Return a new empty model or None.


Return a model stored within a file.


Gather data needed to display uncertainty in the model and the data.


Display the model with uncertainty on the current figure.


Panel factory for the data tab in the GUI.


Panel factory for the model tab in the GUI.

Bumps plugin architecture.

With sophisticated models, developers need to be able to provide tools such as model builders and data viewers.

Some of these will be tools for the GUI, such as views. Others will be tools to display results.

This file defines the interface that can be defined by your own application so that it interacts with models of your type. Define your own model package with a module

Create a main program which looks like:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import multiprocessing

    import bumps.cli
    import mypackage.plugin

You should be able to use this as a driver program for your application.

Note: the plugin architecture is likely to change radically as more models are added to the system, particularly so that we can accommodate simultaneous fitting of data taken using different experimental techniques. For now, only only one plugin at a time is supported.

bumps.plugin.calc_errors(problem, sample)[source]

Gather data needed to display uncertainty in the model and the data.

Returns an object to be passed later to show_errors().


Panel factory for the data tab in the GUI.

If your model has an adequate show() function this should not be necessary.


Return a model stored within a file.

This routine is for specialized model descriptions not defined by script.

If the filename does not contain a model of the appropriate type (e.g., because the extension is incorrect), then return None.

No need to load pickles or script models. These will be attempted if load_model returns None.


Panel factory for the model tab in the GUI.

Return None if not present.


Return a new empty model or None.

Called in response to >File >New from the GUI. Creates a new empty model. Also triggered if GUI is started without a model.


Display the model with uncertainty on the current figure.

errs is the data returned from calc_errs.